Friday, September 10, 2010

Updated Google H Score: More Begets More

Here is a one-year later followup to my post about my Google H score. As you can see, the papers that were cited more often a year ago were cited even more often, in a mostly exponential manner. More cites meant even more cites. I think the general mechanism is that, as a paper is cited more often, it will show up in literature (as a cite) that people read about a given topic, so people are more likely to cite articles they see widely cited (assuming the article is relevant, and hopefully people won't cite an article unless it's good, so to some extent "widely cited" relates to quality). Higher-cited articles are generally listed higher in Google Scholar searches as well. Newer articles about hotter topics will break this pattern (apparently I am not writing recently about hot topics!), but I think this is one factor. Of course if more cites means higher quality, this could just be an issue of quality. I have the feeling that source journal also plays a part, but that's for a variety of diffuse reasons.

Notice that my Google H score is still 4. Bummer! I need 3 more cites on "A Cross National Study..." paper to get my Google H score to 5.

Article (short title)JournalAuthor(s)Year20092010Incr.
Mechanisms of an online public sphereJCMCSolo2005*25*4217
To broadband or not to broadbandJoBEMCo20049101
Honey, I shrunk the world!MCSCo20068124
Playing Internet curveball...ConvergenceSolo20067114
A cross-national study...TISSolo2007121
Copyright notices...JCMCSolo2008*1*10
Global citation patterns...IJoCSolo2009000
Stratification and global elite theoryIJoPORCo2009000

Values as of Sept 10th, 2009 and 2010.
* indicates one self-cite, relevant, honestly!
Neither self-cite affects the Google H value.
The numbers fluctuate from time to time, up and down.