Sunday, March 9, 2008


Yes, it's a few days old now, but today's write-up in the NYT is a good read, and the chart is funny and touching, worth reading around its nooks and crannies (it's also the focus of a post over on boingboing). Tycho has a good write-up about it too, and is so right about the name: GYGAX. Can't beat that. PA's strip is good too, of course: red dragons were always the thing. D&D (ok ok AD&D) taught me a lot of words, far more than reading the horrible SAT vocabulary test prep book in seventh grade in English class (yawn, that is not education, and I say that as an educator), like, mnemonic. And I can even spell it. Ha. Dom at MegaTokyo has a good write-up as well.