Wednesday, September 18, 2019

FDG 2019 SLO

FDG was a great conference! Small (I think 175 people?), great people and many great and diverse papers (from digital humanities topics to code and algorithmic efficiency).

One of the keynote speakers was Tarn Adams, of Dwarf Fortress fame, a game I have described as "I can never play it again because it would ruin my life", meaning, it's so great I would just get sucked into all of its amazingness and details. Actually, maybe I could just oh okay there you see? But maybe! Just be good about limits (it's difficult to limit with DF). But anyways, Adams gave a great and interesting and insightful talk about procedurally generated content and storytelling within the setting of DF.

Is that Tarn Adams back there in the blue shirt? It is! Selfie time!
One of the attendees also made this cool and beautiful card game with everyone's papers as a part of the game! I managed to find one of mine and may have kept it to put on my refrigerator.