A great post over at R-Bloggers, [link broken as of 12/2020] "15 Types of Regression you should know." Also, how to choose which one is the right one? So many stats books (I have a few) are just terrible. They tend to throw stats language at people, and it's incredibly bizarre (p-hat? a hat? are you kidding me?) which is a problem because language is supposed to enlighten, not confuse. They also, at least for my English-language background, tend to throw Greek letters around and assume you know what the heck they are, which is an idiotic assumption. Again, language, especially in a textbook that is supposed to be explaining things, should be enlightening and clear, not obtuse. But, all the textbooks I have rarely cover anything but the most basic regression, and they always throw the regression equation at you, which is weird since never have I seen a paper with a regression equation in it, it's always a table.
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