Apple, which is usually the master of great interfaces, pulled some weird things in the recent upgrade to OSX. The Calendar app lost its metallic look and feel (and I don't like it and it's not consistent with everything else). The Contacts app lost the great letter-tabs that let you jump to a letter (this feature is still present in the iPhone version).
But in Mail they did something I don't understand and have only noticed recently (so I assume it was not like this previously). If you make a new message, some of the buttons (like for attachments) are on the left, whereas if you reply some of those same buttons are on the right. I do a fair amount of attaching, and this is highly annoying since I cannot make a work habit, I have to actively think about it each time.
Here is a reply. Only the Send button is on the left, Attach is on the right.
Here is, as you can see, a new message. Attach is now on the left.
Given there is little difference between a new message and a reply, I cannot see that there is any reason to move the buttons around. (Everything is about design.)
Edit: I remade the images so they fit better. The image/textwrap is killing me, though.