Games are a form of play, they are fun, as are making cultural references and homage, as I've pointed out a bunch in other games. Game-makers make fun things (games), and they put fun things into those games (homage). Most of the homage I've noticed in games is to sci-fi and fantasy cultural objects (this makes sense), but here's a reference to the Beatles in the game The Outer Worlds, specifically the Beatles' song "Maxwell's Silver Hammer".
Edit: Here's more, somewhat of a random Easter egg, referring to Firefly, a nice touchstone series for recent space sci-fi fans. I hadn't encountered this the first time I played through, and it's random and you can't do anything to make it happen or not, it just does (so I had no idea about it until I ran into it). It is... cows. In your cargo hold.
It was so weird I took a screen shot. (Well, of my TV.)